TYF315 – Holding Space Around Pain So You Can Show Up
In this episode Erin talks about the technique that she has been using to keep herself present during a terrible bout of food illness and choosing to still show up for Coach School. This technique is tremendous for being able to shop till like the way you want to.
TYF313 – Jnana Yoga Learning Hacks
Join guest host Matt Murphy (Erin’s partner, and instructor of her jnana yoga YTT modules) this week for some learning hacks for yoga philosophy and related topics!
TYF312 – Mindful Eating Two-Point-Oh
Here’s another episode about a topic near to Erin’s heart, which is mindful eating. This time, we discuss leptin and ghrelin. Why should we know what these are, and what they have to do with our hunger impulses and eating habits? Reach out at [email protected]
TYF311 – Dive Into Silence
In this episode, Erin interviews her dear friends Sara and Ryan who attended Thrive’s first silent meditation retreat event. Sara and Ryan own and operate Erin’s favorite local kava bar (Kava Social Club) and Sara is one of Erin’s 300-level YTT graduates. Reach out at [email protected]
TYF310 – Boss Babe, Coach and Parent Interview with Annique Lesage
In this episode, Coach graduate and entrepreneur boss babe Annique Lesage talks about her experience at Thrive Coach School. Annique was already and up and running business owner, but Thrive coach school gave her extra tools to be able to take her business and relationships to the next level.
Annique and Erin have become best friends through this process of bonding and sharing. Please enjoy this very personal and entertaining podcast.
TYF309 – Yoga Life Hacks – Staying Present
In today’s episode, Erin goes over a life hack that she uses with her clients as well as herself to stay present. This simple hack will allow you to come back into the present moment over and over again during your day. Being present is a skill, and there’s many reasons why we avoid being present in our life. Erin talks about an address is the different reasons why we check out, while giving practical tools and how to come back into the now. Please enjoy.
TYF308 – Medical Grade Mischief
An interview with Dr. Stephanie Minter of the Medical Grade Mischief podcast! Stephanie is a practicing medical doctor, but also one of Erin’s Coach School students and Yoga Teacher Trainees!