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Erin Colleen Geraghty, Author & Podcast Host

Over the past decade, Erin has turned her pain and growth into valuable resources for her community. Her first book, Thriving After Addiction provides a road map for addicts and those suffering from disordered eating to learn how to thrive again through a combination of yoga, mediation and self love coaching. Erin’s second book is coming out in 2022.

The Thrive Transformational Coaching Podcast is a popular podcast that combines yoga therapy, life coaching, mediation and helpful tools to guide listeners on how to break down the barriers in their lives and learn how to thrive. Follow the links below to buy Erin’s book or listen to the podcast. 

Listen to the Thrive Transformational Coaching Podcast, your weekly guide to happiness & healing.

TYF432 – Somatic Therapies: Application in Real Life

In this episode, Erin demonstrates how somatic therapies lay the groundwork and foundation for us to be able to embody our best possible self. 

TYF431 – Title Somatic Therapies: Compassion and Safety

In this episode, Erin discusses the role of compassion and helping yourself and clients feel safe while administering some therapies.
Compassion and safety as a backdrop are absolutely necessary for us to access the more subtle energies that we have within us. That way we can restore, re-energize, and reconnect to our true essence.

TYF430 – Title Somatic Therapies Series: Nervous System

In this episode of the somatic therapy series, Erin discusses the role of the nervous system, poly vagal therapy as well as neurovascular holds to calm the nervous system and regulate the nervous system.

TYF429 – Somatic Therapies for Healing Part 1

In this episode, Erin talks about some different techniques that she uses in coaching to help regulate the nervous system, and connect the emotional body to the physical body for healing. This is a great one for people who are struggling to release trapped energy in their body.

TYF428 – Live Coaching: Chronic Pain Solutions

In this episode, Erin guides a client through chronic pain. By the end of the session, he feels quite a bit of relief and hopeful that he has everything he needs to heal himself. Namaste. Work with Erin for coaching. Reach out [email protected]  

TYF427 – Live Coaching: Connection and Purpose

In this podcast episode, Erin live coaches Sonja who is a fellow yogi, newly relocated and feeling overwhelmed with starting a new business, and feeling a bit untethered. 
After a process of asking pointed questions, and using some advanced yogic breath work, Sonja is able to reclaim her connectedness and come back into balance. Namaste

TYF426 – Breaking the Cycle of Shame

In this episode, Erin continues her wildly popular Emotional Regulation Series and digs deep into pitfalls and tools on how to continue clearing out these stuck vibrations that drive us crazy. Shame is a huge one that can shut us down and by addressing the whys and the hows, she gives a path to freedom. Namaste 

TYF424 – Yoga Church – My Time in India

In this episode, Erin leads Yoga Church – a modern take on sacred scripture blended with stories and adventures from India. <3 

Reach out to [email protected] and if you’re interested in our India immersion it is from June 3 to the 16th 2025. We have three spots left on our waitlist if you’re interested, reach out and save your spot!

TYF424 – Cover Up Emotions: Procrastination, Boredom, Rage

In this episode, Erin talks about the concept of cover up emotions, which are emotions that appear to be the real issue, but are covering up a deeper more difficult emotion. Erin presents some quick and effective tools to process these so you can get down to the root of the issue.

Read all about Erin's journey to healing in her book, Thriving After Addiction

If you’re willing to do the work this book will change your life.

I bought this book after attending a retreat with the author Erin at Anna Maria Island in Florida. I am a certified law of attraction coach and yoga instructor. I love how Erin has infused life coaching, yoga philosophy, Asana and nutrition to create this book for holistic healing. This is more than just a book it’s entire program to help you in your healing journey. It is real it is raw and so insightful. Erin is the real deal. She’s been through the trenches she gets right in there with you and helps you to find your own answers within. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to delve deeper into their own self discovery and learn to live a thriving life. Thank you Erin for this amazing program 🙏


This book is amazing! Not just a book though

This book is amazing! Not just a book though.
Comes with an amazing program.

Highly recommend.

Cant overstate the value of this book and program.
I also adore Erin’s Insight Timer meditations. She also has amazing tools via her Thriving After Addiction Facebook group.


This book changes lives!!!!

Bought for a friend and he says: “I am in recovery and I loved this book. So much that hit me in the first 10 pages. It’s validating to see the feelings I have that are fairly secretive- also shared by the author. Highly recommend this to anyone in recovery- no matter what stage.”

JD Grateful

So profound and relatable!

Amazing book! I am only 30 pages in, but I already love it!

Karen Soscia

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