You were made

Are you ready to step into your purpose? 

Become inspired to thrive and learn the tools you need to heal from the inside out. Check out the latest episodes from the Thrive Transformational Coaching Podcast.

As a yoga therapist and certified life coach, Erin’s meditations help students through suffering and back to themselves. Follow Erin on Insight Timer to access her guided meditations.

Are you ready to learn the tools you need to transmute your pain into love and compassion? Erin offers a variety of workshops and one-on-one experiences including facial analysis & private coaching.

Erin Colleen Geraghty is a dynamic teacher who leads with heart, strength, and shows how to transmute pain and suffering into love and compassion. 

She believes that those who have suffered and started to take the step through their own darkness can be great alchemists. “I teach emotional alchemy. Anyone can do this work, but those who have compounded sorrow have the strongest reasons to go inward. Those are my people.”

Erin is a 500 E RYT, a certified life coach and established podcaster, author, yoga studio owner, and has led retreats, certifications, trainings, and workshops nationally and internationally for almost 10 years. 

She is a sought after presenter as her passion, charisma, humor, and ability to really see people as well as navigate deep subconscious patterns gives her a unique and incredibly valuable skill set rarely found in one package. 

Namaste 🙏🏼 


“This meditation is so powerful in healing anger, fear and shame from past trauma (and present triggers). And the practice of anchoring joy and happiness (and laughter, for me) is something I come back to almost automatically when I start to feel anxiety while I’m out. I just gently press my index and thumb together and breath deeply.”

– Meditation Review

“Since I’ve come back from Florida, everything about what I’m doing feels different and it’s 100% because of the course we just took. My entire being has shifted from all the bonding, the breath work, the yoga and the energy we had in these classes was just above anything that I’ve ever done.Coming back, I just feel so grounded and centered… I’ve never felt so present, so strong and there is a big shift in how I walk through the world.“

– Student, 200 HR Yoga Teacher Training

“This has been the most amazing, transformative experience of my life. I have let go of so many old belief patterns and embraced so many new healthy patterns in my life. And I can not wait to put this into action, and I would absolutely take this course again. I can’t wait to come down and take more courses with Erin“

– Student, Life Coaching Certification Course

“Your words and the way you write really speak to my soul and heart. I have found so much healing in the things you have shared about recovering from trauma, eating disorders, and pain. You show up as a real, authentic Yogi in every single way. Your sister told me I needed to connect with you way back because we were similar, and now I see what a grand compliment that is. Keep spreading your love and divine goodness.“

– Podcast Listener

“You helped me acknowledge a subconscious program running in the background that had me acting out of fear involving particular situation in my life. With this awareness my past year has been shifted to another level of understanding myself and growth.. funny enough, the very situation I feared actually recently came to fruition and I think I’m handling it a lot better than I would have had I not met you.. for that I’m eternally grateful!”

– Podcast Listener

“Somehow I stumbled onto your podcast and knew you were someone I wanted to talk to you and I am SO glad I did! Within several coaching sessions, I began to make breakthroughs on things that I had spent YEARS in therapy being stuck on! Most recently, as in yesterday, I said to my therapist, “I don’t know why I’m not struggling with these all of the sudden? Like where did they go?!” She said, “Elaine, I honestly believe it’s the meditation and the work you have done with your coach.”

– Podcast Listener

Learn how to transform your life and coach others to thrive. Dig into your deepest belief systems and find freedom within through a unique blend of life coaching curriculum, yoga and meditation. Click below to find out when the next Thrive Transformational Coaching Certification session starts. 

Interested in one on one coaching? Before we get started, let's get to know one another..

Free Assessment

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