TYF 251 – How to give yourself compassion in challenging situations.
In episode, I talk about some personal challenges that came up this past week and how I am handling them.This episode is real life. This is not me pretending to be super thrilled (which I don’t really do anyways). But life happens and I don’t feel like I’d be quite the same level of authentic coach if I didn’t keep it real. And sometimes, real is unpleasant. Reach out [email protected] out our 300 hour yoga teacher training in September
TYF 250 – Yamas and Niyamas: Yoga’s Ethics Explained.
In this episode Erin revisits the Yamas and Niyamas to explore yoga’s ethics and break them down in a deeper way.Each one is a jewel we can use in our lives to live more skillfully, with more truth, compassion, sincerity, and discipline. Non-violence, Truthfulness, Non-Stealing, Non-Excess, Non-Hoarding, Purity, Contentment, Discipline, Self-Study, and Surrender.
TYF 249 – Breaking out of my mental prison
In this episode, Erin talks about how non-violent communication healed some deeps wounds she had, but helping her find and communicate her own needs. As a result, she was able to access herself compassionately, and be able to access the needs of her partner and hear with compassion. Reach out [email protected] out our 300 hour yoga teacher training in September
TYF 247 – How to Body Imprint
In this episode, Erin talks about how to imprint a new version of yourself by using your body as a conscious vessel. This episode was inspired by an experience Erin had where all of her karate kata came out and she realized she still has a warrior living within her.We can consciously imprint by setting intention and choosing the version of ourselves we want to cultivate. We are energy centers with receptors that can be trained.Reach out [email protected]
TYF 246 – Dharma Talk: Directing the Mind Toward Happiness
In this episode, Erin talks about Directing the mind toward happiness. It’s quite a concept to direct our own minds, but it truly makes all the difference in our lives.
We also discuss the 5 kleshas of yogic theory including Raga, Abhinivesha, Asmita, Avidya, and Dvesa. By being aware of the traps of undirected energy, clinging to our ways of life, ego-ism, ignorance, and avoidance, we are a little bit closer to understanding our patterns so we can create change AND happiness.
Check out our 300 hour yoga teacher training in September
TYF 244 – Prosperity Mindset
In today’s episode, Erin talks about prosperity mindset and how when we connect it to spirituality, it becomes a powerful force that brings meaning to our lives. Avatar embodiment is one way to adopt the vibration of prosperity. Lakshmi which is one of the Hindu Goddesses that makes up the Tridevi, isa symbol of beauty, fortune, and prosperity and a favorite for Erin to call upon for prosperity mindset.The most important thing about prosperity is mindset and believing that we deserve it, along with love.
Join the Heal Your Body Retreat!This year I’m including facial analysis in the retreat along with yoga, meditation, life coaching, pranayama and more.
If you’re interested, we have limited spot available. https://www.thriveyogafit.com/heal-your-body/
TYF 241 – Codependency and Its Subtleties
This episode touches on a topic I coach on a lot and a topic near to my heart. In this episode I talk about my experience with this. Codependency can be subtle like trying to alleviate another’s suffering too much by trying to fix their problems. We take them on as our own. When we do that we steal away the chance for another to pull out their own resources. Join the Heal Your Body Retreat!
This year I’m including facial analysis in the retreat, along with yoga, meditation, life coaching, pranayama and more. If you’re interested, we have limited spot available.
TYF 233 – The Gifts of Grief
On this episode Erin talks about how she lost her mother suddenly and how there are gifts through grieving that she has discovered. Erin also shares a sweet and personal
Experience of channeling her mother, what it felt like, and the gifts she was able to give by allowing this love to pulse though her.
Namaste 🙏🏼
Reach out [email protected]