SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT – Erin’s Coach School’s Unique Power
Check out this quick description by Erin of what makes her Coach School’s unique power to change students’ lives once they enroll. Though the students come from all walks of life, they all walk away with incredible new tools and a lasting change that improves so many areas of their lives simultaneously.
Interview with Kino MacGregor – Part 2
Interview with Kino MacGregor – Ashtanga, Bandha, Spirituality, Loss, Love, and Yoga Me Too
Today’s episode is *PART 2* of Erin’s interview with Kino MacGregor about everything from Ashtanga yoga practdice, Bandha, her own experience taking workshops with Kino and Tim Feldmen, Spirituality, Loss, Love, and more. This interview is fun, flowing, and it was a blast to Kino on to talk all things yoga. This is one you don’t want to miss out on.
Join the Heal Your Body Retreat!
This year I’m including facial analysis in the retreat along with yoga, meditation, life coaching, pranayama and more.If you’re interested, we have limited spot available.
Exciting Announcement Plus FREE Coaching!
Erin’s online group is now FREE!
Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/341432413000634/ to join!
Also, we have 2 retreats coming up!
One is the Heal Your body retreat in May and the other is a yoga retreat to Bali in October!
Check out the links below for more information!
Reach out [email protected]
Check out Erin’s Heal Your Body Retreat:
Check out Erin’s retreat to Bali!!
Body Positivity, Healing, and Roller Derby
Body Positivity, Healing, and Roller Derby
I just did a podcast with Kristi Cheek from FoodieRN, you can check out on her website,
We talk about my story in depth and what was modeled for me as a child by my parents and other fun and interesting things!
Reviews, leave a review.
New meditation is out! Hooray!
If you have spent so long rejecting yourself, it feel foreign to start loving yourself. It’s in our culture and very marketed not to love our selves. If we were happy and content, we wouldn’t buy or need as much. True happiness and contentment comes from within.
For me on my journey, I took a lot of my self rejection out on my body. It’s something I still deal with in bits. We can call it one of my constant practices. I have to be aware when I start comparing and contrasting or looking in the mirror for too long, because I do still have some judgey voices in my head about my body.
One thing I have found that helps is making it ok that I still have those thoughts. It takes the shame charge off of it. I look at it as a past pattern and a coping mechanism for my brain. That doesn’t mean I don’t take action to correct it. It just means I don’t shame myself when it happens. When I am in shame, I can’t think straight. It feel like I’m walking through a swirling thorny tornado that’s gray and I’m just waddling along with my arms outstretched grasping for whatever I can to bring peace.
I have found ways to love and appreciate my body and most of that is through movement. I workout and I enjoy it. I don’t do it because I have to, I do it because I want to feel good. I mean, I like feeling good. Yoga helps me with that as well. I enjoy stretching and bending my body. I feel like I am touching something deep inside of me when I do it. When I’m bending in a pretzel I find myself so grateful my body can do this.
Become aware of the statements you say to yourself about your body. Make it ok that you have those statement, and when they come up, don’t stress over them. Just look at them objectively. The more you switch your attention when they come up to something positive, the more they lose their power over you. It’s like if you feel trapped in a conversation with someone at a gathering, and someone else buts in and talks, you can more easily bow out. I know ya’ll have been there. Lol.
Then find all the things you appreciate about yourself.