TYF348 – Grieving my Mother
In this very vulnerable and tender episode, Erin shares her present moment of grief, marking the 2 year anniversary of her mother’s death. Grief comes in waves and sometimes unplanned. Though, Erin has found there’s energetic pockets in the cyclical calendar that bring up powerful emotions. Om Shanti
TYF347 – The Importance of Spiritual Community
In this episode, Erin shares about how she just finished with her recent Thrive Coach School graduating class, and discusses how important it is to maintain connection with spiritual community to stay on the path.
TYF346 – Coach School Cirriculum
In this episode, Erin gives an overview of the curriculum she created for her life-changing Thrive Coach School program, which certifies students to practice Erin’s particular brand of coaching. The contents have evolved along with Erin, and they have grown just as she has grown while using the powerful tools in her own life and with her clients as a life coach.
TYF345 – Coach School – Day 1 Reflections
In this episode, Erin shares a quick account of the first day of her January 2023 class of Thrive Coach School. She describes some of the joys and insights revealed while watching it all unfold. It is an intense and transformational journey, even in the beginning! You’ll hear more about what makes the unique process so deep and enduring for the students.
TYF344 – When You Have Hard Days
In this episode, Erin talks about a particularly hard day that she had, and the tools that she used to get through it. Some days just feel hard, and don’t make sense in the mind and cell based on your emotional band width be, having the proper tools to get through can be essential. Erin shares her experience here.
TYF343 – Drama Triangle – My Story
“How I realized my anger and victim mindset and how I broke free!”
In this episode, Erin talks about some recent deep, and profound work she has been doing on herself to solve her anger issues. The discovery was shocking, and freeing at the same time. This is an episode not to be missed!
TYF342 – Timber Hakwkeye Interview
TYF341 – Ayurvedic Medicine for the Win
In this episode Erin talks about her experience visiting an Ayurvedic doctor for heat and anger she has been experiencing. From reading pulses to feeding me kitchari, the experience was incredible.